About Us
Car ONE has specialized in the international trade of new cars and is selling only to automotive professionals.
Our large network of suppliers and partners allows us to offer our clients individual configurations of various brands and models as well as wide range of stock cars.
Our goal is always to meet the expectations of our clients by offering them a reliable and complete service for competitive market rates.
We are looking forward to support you in enlarging your portfolio with EU import cars!
Our Offer
A longterm business relationship can only be established if the customer is satisfied! For this reason reliability, quality of the service and discretion are of high value to us.
Our customers rely on Car ONE for the following reasons:
- Competitive market rates;
- Possibility to offer a wide range of brands and models;
- Fast and simple processing;
- Professional support with transport and customs issues;
- Personal support, clear and reliable communication.
We look forward to you taking contact with us!

Mag. Momtchil Youroukov
Managing director
Telephone: +359 886 777 024
Email: momtchil@carone.bg
Address: 15-17 Tintyava Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria